In the world of software engineering, identifying and mitigating risks early in the development process is critical for delivering reliable and robust applications. One proven method for systematically analyzing…
When it comes to learning .NET development, finding a concise, practical, and easy-to-follow resource can be challenging. This is where DotNetPerls shines. As a trusted repository of .NET programming…
HTML parsing is a common task in web development, whether you’re building a web scraper, processing data from web pages, or manipulating HTML documents. While it might be tempting…
In many applications, there is a need to persist key-value pairs in storage for later retrieval, beyond the lifetime of the application. A persistent dictionary provides this capability. In…
Static methods in C# can be a powerful tool for developers when used appropriately. They are ideal for operations that don’t require instance-specific data and can improve both performance…
Poka-Yoke, ein japanisches Konzept aus der Lean- und Qualitätsmanagement-Welt, bedeutet „Fehler vermeiden“ oder „Fehler unmöglich machen“. Ursprünglich von Shigeo Shingo in der Automobilproduktion eingeführt, hat sich dieses Prinzip auch…
Gernot Starkes Buch Effektive Softwarearchitekturen – Ein praktischer Leitfaden ist ein Standardwerk für Softwareentwickler und Architekten, die robuste, wartbare und effiziente Softwarelösungen entwerfen möchten. Mit einem klaren Fokus auf…
When working with Excel files in .NET, two popular libraries often come up: NPOI and ClosedXML. Both offer powerful features for reading, writing, and managing Excel files, but they…
„Computer Science Unleashed: Harness the Power of Computational Systems“ by Wladston Ferreira Filho and Raimondo Pictet offers a high-level overview of networking, data science, and computer security. Designed for…
„Computer Science Distilled“ by Wladston Ferreira Filho is an accessible guide designed to introduce essential computer science concepts without the heavy academic jargon. Code Energy Key Topics Covered: The…